Wednesday, November 17, 2010

.....and I think......

Here I sit on a gray, windy, fall day with a lovely little head cold and think and ponder and think and......

I wonder down to the laundry room to put jeans in and take things out and I think....oooo hot chocolate. I wonder to the kitchen, get out the milk, grab two packets of SwissMiss (b/c milk makes it richer...and healthier)  Pour the milk, put it in the microwave, tare open the packet.... and I think ....

I have hands like my mother.  It's the only thing I have left that truly reminds me of my mom.  They were so soft and gentle AND talented.  She could play the honky tonk, knit, crochet and comfort. OH how I miss her  beautiful hands.  She would touch my face and hair and comfort me as a child and as a grown woman.  I held her hand on a beautiful Spring day she died as she told me she loved me.  OH how I miss her smile that showed in through her Irish eyes.  I now understand the words, "When Irish Eyes Are Smiling".  And the blessing of hearing the last words spoken, "I love you too" as she smiled at me.  and I think...

...Can dogs get chapped lips?  I think Liberty has chapped lips but only at the corners.... and I think....

.....I would like to tether the girls outside on this windy day and see if they would I think..... 

What I would like to do to the house to because I've been looking all these blogs about how these crafty women have renovated, come up with to beautify their homes and how talented they are.  And as I look through these blogs I think.....

How very blessed I am with a wonderful husband, two adorable dogs, a warm home and parents that love me... and I think.....


  1. Carol your house is decorated with love. It doesn't get any better than that sweetie! Nevermind all the talented women out there because you're one in a MILLION babe! Adele

  2. Hi there! i found you on the blog hop. I am your newest follower!! I love finding new blogs and yours is lovely:) You can find me at
    Have a peek at my giveaways if you come by. Everything is handmade and GORGEOUS! I'm also giving away a $110 baby carrier:)

  3. I love this post! You have her smile too- so the world is still lit up by her even though she is busy somewhere else now.
    I asked the vet about chapped lips and after she was done laughing a belly laugh at my question- she said she didn't know, cuz no one ever asked before.
    Love ya
